Ōra King

Salmon En papillote


Serves: 2
Prep Time: 30mins
Cooking Time: 30mins


  • 200g Ōra King Salmon
  • 6x Hervey Bay Scallops
  • 3x Mooloolaba Prawns
  • 8x Cloudy Bay Clams
  • 6x Chery Tomatoes
  • 1x Red Onion
  • 10x Butter Beans
  • ½ Zucchini
  • 1x Chilli
  • 300ml Prawn Bisque
  • 3x Garlic Cloves
  • Pinch Saffron
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Lemon


Grilled Rustic Bread


  1. Add the bisque to a pan on medium heat and add in a pinch of saffron and 3x crushed garlic cloves and allow to reduce slightly until desired consistency. Prepare the seafood by slicing the salmon into even steaks, remove the head from the prawns but keep the shells on and cut in half, wash the clams under cold running water to remove any sand and grit. Prepare the vegetables by cutting them in whatever shape you desire, remembering to keep everything fairly uniformed to create an even cook.
  2. Lay two sheets of tin foil on a work bench, then top with a sheet of baking paper. Start to assemble by adding the onions, zucchini, beans and tomatoes first, this will help protect the fish during cooking. Then arrange the seafood around and on top. Add a good splash of olive oil, and salt then top with the prawn bisque. Once all ingredients are on the baking paper, add a third sheet of tin foil on top and start to work around the edged to crimp and seal the two foil sheets together creating a sealed bag.
  3. Place the bag on a tray and bake at 220° for about 8 minutes or until the bag has puffed up/ballooned. Then remove from the oven and place onto a serving plate. Be careful as the steam inside is very hot.


Place the bag on a tray and bake at 220° for about 8 minutes or until the bag has puffed up/ballooned. Then remove from the oven and place onto a serving plate. Be careful as the steam inside is very hot.